Whether I’m writing, painting, or coaching, I’m all about helping women find peace, clarity, and connection through the exploration of their inner world


I’m a thoughtful, fun-loving, head-in-the-clouds creative living in Indianapolis, IN. I’m primarily an artist, but I’m also a certified life coach and occasionally enjoy writing. My life was revolutionized for the better when I discovered the term “multi-potentialite” and realized I didn’t have to just be one thing. So now I do a little bit of a couple different things.

I didn’t set out to be an artist, a coach, or anything even remotely close. In fact, I got my degree in Economics. I firmly believe that we find our passions when we follow our curiosities, and that’s how it happened for me—I sort of stumbled into my current life.

I’ve always loved Psychology and learning about personal growth. It’s probably my Enneagram One, INFJ heart always trying to make things better. And I’ve enjoyed art since I was a little kid, sketching awkward-looking people with cone-shaped heads and hiding their hands behind their back because I couldn’t draw hands. Luckily I’ve gotten a little bit better since then.

When I graduated college I spent some time working in non-profits as a grant writer, fundraiser, and event planner. But no matter how hard I tried, my interest started to wane after a while at each place. At the end of 2018, I randomly picked up a paint brush, and things haven’t been the same since. I started selling my art in 2019, and in 2020 I pursued my interest in personal growth to become a certified coach.

My life might seem like a random assortment of activities, but there’s an important through-line running at the heart of all of them—a passion to shine the spotlight on the inner world of our thoughts and emotions.

I think many of us, myself included, have gone through much of our lives focused on the external. We try to please the people around us, become successful or wealthy or impressive, and overcome whatever challenges happen to be coming our way. We deal with what we see in front of us.

But eventually we begin to bump up against invisible barriers. We notice patterns of tension or conflict in our relationships. We want more but we’re held back by anxieties and self-sabotage. We get what we want but realize it doesn’t deliver the fulfillment we hoped for. We follow a script and eventually realize we don’t recognize ourself anymore.

These moments are an invitation to explore the hidden world buried within—the world full of unconscious beliefs, suppressed emotion, unexplored truth. The world teeming with learned patterns, unmet needs, and a deeply-entrenched terror of never being “enough.”

It’s scary to open the door to this world and to see the shadows inside. But it’s the place most in need of healing. When we face our feelings and give language to our unconscious thoughts, we begin to illuminate the pathway to a more peaceful, grounded, and flourishing life.

These topics are the most challenging and rewarding thing I have found to spend my time on. I like to put imagery to them through my paintings and illustrations, and to put words to them through coaching and writing. I hope we can find the courage to plumb the depths of what lies within our hearts and minds together.