Do you feel out of place in your own life?

Like trying to put a square peg in a round hole, something is off. You look around your life and think, “This doesn’t reflect the real me. There’s more to me than this.”

Maybe it’s a career that doesn’t fit. Maybe a relationship that you know deep down isn’t compatible.

You may not be entirely sure what you want, or what to do next. You desperately desire clarity and direction.

Are you getting in your own way?

You know you need to make a change, but self-doubt is holding you hostage.

You’re trapped in fear, and even when you do take action, it isn’t sustainable. You just keep falling back back into unsupportive habits and patterns.

You’re sick of the constant start and stop, but you’re not sure what to do differently.

Do you often experience stress, overwhelm, or burnout?

Your to-do list is a mile long, but you just can’t seem to get a handle on it. Little things take way too long to do.

Life feels like a constant game of catch-up, and you spend your days frazzled, reactive, and scattered.

No matter how hard you work, you don’t seem to accomplish the things that really matter. You procrastinate and avoid important tasks, but you carry around a heavy, nagging feeling of guilt and never get the real rest you’re looking for.

Are your relationships fragile or full of conflict?

Whether it’s bosses, coworkers, friends, or family, your relationships are never quite as peaceful or supportive as you wish they were.

Little things turn into big things. You feel like you have to walk on eggshells.

You find yourself constantly triggered. Your buttons get pushed on a daily basis, and you spend more time and energy than you want reacting to others or defending yourself.

Or maybe you find it hard to set and maintain boundaries. You’re afraid that if you say no, you’ll lose the people you love and depend on. And yet you find yourself secretly bitter, wishing that others valued and respected you more.

Do you have a hard time being still, quiet, or alone?

Your phone is always in your hand, the TV is always on. Your calendar is always full.

It’s hard to fall asleep because your mind won’t stop racing.

You can’t remember the last time you just sat peacefully in silence. You’re not entirely sure you’d like what you’d find if you were alone with your thoughts.

You’re Not Alone

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, welcome to the club! These are incredibly common experiences, and they all point to the same thing.


Fear is the biggest obstacle to authenticity—the thing that keeps us from being our truest self. It narrows our vision, obscures reality, interferes with connection, and constrains action.

I’ve wrestled with fear my whole life. Not the “I’m afraid I won’t be able to survive” kind of fear, but more subtle, more insidious manifestations of fear—fear of disappointing others, fear of failing, fear of success. Paralyzing, de-motivating, soul-deadening fear.

It’s what led me to major in Economics, instead of what I really loved (Psychology). It prompted me to seek attention in all the wrong ways, because I was scared I wouldn’t be loved or accepted for who I really was. It created a pattern of making the easy or obvious choice, rather than the right one. And it fostered an intensely perfectionistic mindset that made me defensive in the face of criticism and inevitably caused procrastination and self-sabotage.

On and on and on. Until one day I realized something.

Fear is boring and predictable.

I had reached my tipping point, where the pain of staying the same and staying stuck in a life that didn’t fit with patterns that didn’t support me became more painful than facing the fear.

I quit my office job and enrolled in a year-long certification program to become a coach—the thing I had been curious about for a long time, but always thought was out of reach. And I finally started to embrace the idea that I am lovable and valuable in my imperfection (so I can stop avoiding it).

I finally stopped fighting who I am, and I can’t even express the difference it has made in my life. The growth and joy I have experienced over the past year as I completed my coaching program has been evident to everyone around me.

And the truth is, I want this amazing feeling for you as well.

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Are you ready for something different?

If fear has been holding you back from being your true self, and you’re ready to step into the fullness of who you were created to be, I would love to work with you through my private coaching program.

What can a coach do for you?

 Create a brave, sacred, and non-judgmental space to help you face what you’ve been avoiding

You might be surprised that I didn’t say “safe space.” Well, I did that on purpose.

To get the most out of coaching, I need you to be willing to be vulnerable, and being vulnerable is risky. You may be a little afraid or uncomfortable—and that’s totally natural.

Part of what I help my clients do is learn to act despite their fear (instead of waiting for the fears to go away). This is being brave. So I like to call my coaching zone a brave space.

It’s also a sacred space, because you are sacred. You are valuable. You are a child of God. Your individuality matters, and your uniqueness will be honored and explored in our sessions.

Finally, it will be a non-judgmental space. We don’t have to have the same values, we don’t have to share beliefs. I’m here to help you process what matters to you, and my personal convictions are irrelevant to your growth. You get to set the boundaries of what we discuss or not, and you get to share freely and honestly because that’s how you build authenticity.

Ask clarifying questions that help you untangle the mental and emotional knots that keep you overwhelmed and stuck

Contrary to popular belief, coaching is not about giving advice.

Here’s the thing—most of the advice we get is irrelevant to us, and we end up ignoring it. Why? Because the other person doesn’t know what it’s like to be you. To be in your particular situation, with your mindset, your past, and your goals.

The magic of coaching is in its ability to unlock your inner wisdom. Deep down, you’ve got all the answers you need (or you know where to find them). As your coach, I’m here to help you get in touch with what you already know, and build the self-trust to act on it. So I’m going to ask you questions, brainstorm with you, and help you explore the mental blocks that may be getting in your way.

Summarize, paraphrase, and reflect your words back to you so you can examine your thoughts and embrace your inner wisdom

Sometimes we don’t know what we really think until we say it out loud. Sometimes we say things out loud and realize they’re not entirely reflective of how we feel.

During our coaching sessions, you’ll notice me saying things like:

  • “So, what I’m hearing you say is….”

  • “I heard you say ____ and ____, and those seem like they conflict. Which is more true for you?

  • “Bottom line, it seems like the main challenge here is ______. Did I get that right?”

  • “I notice you keep using the word ______. What does that word mean for you?”

  • “I’m hearing some frustration in your voice when you talk about _____. What’s bothering you there?”

These are just a few examples of how I check for understanding and offer my clients space to reflect and clarify what they think or believe.

Help you create realistic and thoughtful actions that support your growth

We don’t truly “know” something until we’ve put it into practice in our lives. This is the essential skill of integration.

At the beginning of every session, we’ll talk about what you want to get out of our time together. At the end, we’ll discuss how much progress we’ve made towards that goal or vision, and talk about how to keep the momentum going between sessions.

If you’re stuck on what to do next, I may offer options for you to try on that I know have worked for other people, but most of my clients intuitively know what they want their next step to be.

At the beginning of the next session, I often ask my client how that action went. I love this part, because we always learn something—whether they took action or not. There is no fear of “failure,” because the information we get on the action’s result or what got in the way helps us uncover a block we didn’t know was there or devise a new plan that’s a better fit.

This is what growth looks like!

Hold belief in the possibility of your transformation until it becomes real enough for you to make it your own

Change is intimidating, and we often hesitate because we don’t know what it feels like to be on the other side of it. Our inner critic tells us we won’t get there (loudly and often). This is why it’s hard to make big changes on your own.

One of my favorite things about coaching is getting to be the cheerleader, the encourager, and the voice that helps quiet that inner critic and tells you the truth about what’s possible for you. As you take action and build evidence of your own courage, eventually you become that voice for yourself!

What’s It Like to Work With Me?

Taylor is exactly what I was looking for in a coach. She brings an energy that is positive yet realistic, encouraging yet challenging. In her gentle way she changed my perspective about myself and helped bring clarity to my values and how I want to show up in my spheres of influence. She gave me confidence where I lacked it and pushed me to step outside my comfort zone and expand my beliefs about my own potential. In working with her you will find not only a coach but also a confidant, an encourager, and a friend.
— Lauren K., Chicago, IL
I would recommend Taylor to absolutely anyone - whether they have a specific issue they want to address or if they just want to live a more full life, aligned with their values.

She is fantastic at asking hard, probing questions that allow you to drill down to the real issues, while still being tender, compassionate, and mindful of your boundaries. But her real gift is her ability to listen to your thoughts, feelings and - sometimes - ramblings - and distill them down to their clearest essence. She takes overwhelming, complex feelings and situations, and repeats them back to you in a way that simplifies them, without leaving out their nuances. You think “Yes. That’s it. That’s it exactly.” This makes tackling seemingly impossible things feel so much more doable.

Once you’ve been able to identify and name the issue, the work begins and she not only guides you through this, she also helps you to come up with tangible solutions and tools, and is dedicated to asking how you want to be held accountable - which is how real change happens. Taylor is there to provide guidance and encouragement every step of the way.
— Margaret H., Indianapolis, IN
Taylor is a grounded listener with a wealth of knowledge and insight. She is kind and guides you through your thinking without judgment- offering reflection, suggestions, and supportive tools to reach through whatever it is that is unique to you. My time with Taylor is a true gift. It has enriched my self-awareness, highlighted guiding values, and helped to uncover how my own thought patterns and behaviors can better shine on those values. She’s incredible and anyone who is lucky to work with her will not regret the commitment.
— Lauren D., Indianapolis, IN

 Program Details

If you’re like me, you want to know all the specifics! So here’s the deal. When you sign up for coaching, you get:

  • A 90-minute introductory session

    • This session is all about getting to know one another and establishing your over-arching goals and priorities for coaching (how you would like your life to be different by the end of our time together).

  • A mindset assessment + 90-minute debrief

    • This powerful assessment reveals the lens through which you see the world, made up of your unique combination of the 7 levels of consciousness.

    • In our debrief, we’ll discuss each level of consciousness in depth, and explore how each level is manifesting in your life.

    • The goal in this session is to increase self-awareness and uncover some of the hidden thoughts and beliefs you hold that are either helping or hindering you so you can approach life more intentionally.

  • (10) 45-minute sessions

    • These sessions are conducted via Zoom (camera on or off—your choice).

    • They can be scheduled weekly or bi-weekly (your choice).

  • Unlimited text and email support for the duration of our coaching relationship

    • Need some encouragement? Want to celebrate a win? Feeling stuck and need to brainstorm? During the 3-6 months that we work together, you’ll have access to additional support outside of our regularly scheduled coaching calls. You’re not alone, and you can do this!

  • Complimentary lifetime access to trainings and self-discovery materials

    • When I’m not coaching one-on-one with clients, I enjoy teaching on topics relating to authenticity. When you sign up for private coaching, you’ll receive access to any masterclasses or group programs I conduct as well as any training resources I develop (ebooks, videos, etc.). This means you’ll always have support, even after our private coaching ends!

 Let’s Get Started

Ready to step into the life you were created for? Enrollment is open and spots are limited!

Total Investment: $2,000

Step 1: Complete an Application

Click the button below to fill out your coaching application. The questionnaire is brief, and helps me understand what your goals are and if we’d be an appropriate fit. Once I receive your application, you’ll hear back from me within 72 hours.

Step 2: Enrollment

After your application is approved, I’ll send you even more details about coaching, so you know exactly what to expect:

  • What coaching is and isn’t (how it differs from things like therapy or mentorship)

  • Sample coaching conversation

  • Is coaching right for you?

  • My coaching qualifications

  • Package details (policies and procedures, payment options, etc.)

  • FAQs

  • Next steps

    • If you still have questions once you’ve reviewed the materials, you’ll have the option to book a 15-minute call with me so I can answer questions or help you think through concerns or logistics.

    • If you’re ready to begin coaching, you’ll gain access to the enrollment page where you can set up payment details and receive introductory resources and instructions!

Let’s work together